JULY 27, 2019 - JANUARY 12, 2020
Florida-based artist Jay Shoots is known for the formal composition and classical beauty of his photographs. His most recent work expands the concept of photography by combining recycled elements of the medium, such as negatives, photosensitive solutions, and camera lenses with found objects. On display in Home are more figurative works including “The People's House,” which literally takes the form of a dwelling made from gelatin silver photographs of various portraits. Other works illustrate abstract allusions to structures which serve as emblems of familial lineage and provide a nostalgic component that links past to present. While these hybrid works retain the artist's sense of formal beauty, they also explore the concept of the dwelling; how we create our sense of place, personally and collectively; and ultimately, how we engage with the world and each other.

Jay Shoots was born in Winter Park, Florida and has lived for many years in Atlantic Beach in Jacksonville, Florida. Shoots attended the New England School of Photography in Boston from 1982-83 followed by the Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University from 1975-77. Perhaps most well-known for his documentary-style portrait photographs, Shoots also depicts still lifes and object studies in his photography, sculpture, and mixed media works. Shoots' artwork has been exhibited extensively throughout Florida and is represented in several collections including the Espace Photographie de Paris, France, the Institute for Cultural Exchange in Tubingen, Germany, and the Hechinger Collection in Washington D.C., among others.
Image courtesy of the artist.