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The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida

MARCH 31, 2018 - AUGUST 19, 2018

Roy Albert Berry's Field print
Roy Albert Berry, Field, 2012. Archival inkject print.
roy albert berry's bench from 2010
Roy Albert Berry, Bench, 2010. Archival inkject print.
Hiromi Moneyhun's Waterfall
Hiromi Moneyhun, Waterfall, 2013. Paper.
hiroomi Moneyhun's piece origami
Hiromi Moneyhun, Origami, 2013. Paper. Image courtesty of the Artist.
felt art on the wall
Image courtesy of the Artist.
routh's mirrored river mosaic
Kate Garcia Rouh, Mirrored River: Where Do You See Yourself?, 2015. Photograph of mosaic installation. Art in Public Places, Jacksonville, Florida. Image courtesy of Laura Evans.
Photographs by Eric Cravey. two actors standing outside laughing
Tony Walsh, Southern Stories, 2015. Photographs by Eric Cravey.
actors standing in line singing
Image courtesy of the Artist.

Since The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida accepted a challenge from the National Endowment for the Arts to create a fund to support individual artists and small, emerging arts organizations twenty-five years ago, the Art Ventures initiative has invested more than $1 million in our local arts community. In that time, more than 150 grants have gone to support individual artists, and more than ninety grants have been made to small arts organizations which have also benefited from the Art Ventures Fund. It remains the only fund of its kind in Jacksonville.

The list of Art Ventures grantees reads as a veritable who's who list of our region's creative elite. The stunning diversity and robust health of the arts in our community are reflected in the works of these impressive recipients.

To celebrate this special anniversary, the Department of Art and Design at the University of North Florida collaborates with The Community Foundation to feature the works of the 2015 awardees from Duval, Nassau, and Clay counties.