A Gentle Defiance of Gravity and Form
NOVEMBER 19, 2016 - FEBRUARY 26, 2017
THROUGH HER WORK in installation, drawing, and printmaking, New York-based Nicola López describes and reconfigures our contemporary-primarily urban-landscape. Her focus on translating “place” into an art form stems from an interest in urban planning, architecture, and anthropology. López's practice is fueled by time spent working and traveling in different landscapes.
At MOCA Jacksonville, López constructs and then deconstructs a skyscraper into recognizable yet fragmented parts that visualize its construction process and various states of its life cycle. Built of galvanized steel studs and veiled in Mylar prints, In Gentle Defiance of Gravity and Form is a site-specific sculptural environment caught between moments of erection and stability to decay and distortion. López's skeletal structure is monumental yet fragile as one navigates through the installation. As she observes and reconfigures our urban landscape, López pushes the boundaries of printmaking and installation art via innovative modes of creation.

American artist Nicola López specializes in printmaking, drawing, and installation. She uses cartography to exaggerate and reconfigure urban landscapes. Her focus on describing “place” comes from an interest in urban planning, architecture, and anthropology, and is fueled by time spent working and traveling in different landscapes.
Portrait of the artist. Photo Credit: Joel Jares.
Driver, McAfee, Hawthorne & Diebenow, Jessie Ball duPont Fund