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headshot of Mary RatcliffMary Ratcliff graduated at the University of North Florida (2017) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts concentrating in sculpture and a minor in professional education. Her artwork primarily focuses on processes of steel fabrication, but she is attracted to a variety of mediums, utilizing elements of fiberglass, cast iron, foam, ceramics, and recycled/found objects in her work. Ratcliff was MOCA's 2016 Artist-in-Residence.

Ratcliff's rural upbringing in southeastern Ohio has a strong footprint on her artwork, influencing her both aesthetically and conceptually. She is drawn to the beautiful intricacies of nature and plant life, finding inspiration in the repetitive, organic, colorful structures found in nature. Ratcliff also finds interest in human nature, specifically, the psychological and physiological connections and dependencies that link us together as a society.




MARCH 25, 2022 - FEBRUARY 12, 2023