

Silent Suffering by Helena Riedeburg


HELENA RIEDEBURG, Silent Suffering, 2021. Oil on fabric, 4 x 8 ft. From Art + Politics: Grounding Dialogs, Blocktober 2021.

It is essential we spread awareness of different forms of animal abuse that have been normalized and accepted in society. We, human beings, decided that we were superior and because of that we can treat any other living creature with no respect, like they don't feel pain, distress, and confusion. Animals are bred and killed to be eaten and made out of clothes, and are kept alive for product lab testing, to hunt for human being's own amusement, and to steal the milk they create for their own offspring. Due to this, animals cannot fight for their own rights, so other human beings must advocate for them.

  • Animal abuse is unacceptable.
  • Stop trophy hunting.
  • End cosmetics testing.
  • Cease slaughterhouses.
  • Protect domesticated animals.
  • Don't take their offspring's milk.
  • Ban wild animals in circuses.
  • Be a voice for them.
  • Help fight against global animal cruelty.