

The Scribe by Christina Emmanuel


Christina Emmanuel, The Scribe, 2022. Oil on fabric, 4 x 8 ft. From Art + Politics: Grounding Dialogs, Blocktober 2022.

A story only lives once. It happens, dies, and is reborn through the words of the people. Was it a tale of romance? An adventure to wow the ages or a mystery to escape the hands of the greatest minds? Whatever the case, it's a story decided by one person.

YOU HAVE THE POWER in your hands to tell this tale. Without stories, nothing has happened; but with them, we bring any emotion we choose to the consumer. As the scribe, you decide how your story begins - slowly, tantalizingly, painfully, amorously? - and how it comes to an end. You immortalize this tale in a medium that people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds may devour.

You provide this ephemeral, glorious ESCAPE from the pain and suffering of the truth; you personify a feeling, a state of being, making it tangible as no one has done before.

Without this ray of light, without stories, the world will fall into a dark silence. The people need their escape, their freedom. PASS ON this message: Inaction leads to destruction.

HOW, then, do you decide what to do, how to tell it? You don't know until you're seated in that spot and facing the world of possibilities. Sit, then, and open your mind, let your imagination wander, and at this moment, realize that this world is nothing without its scribes.